Siapa bilang olahraga ga bisa jadi sebuah gaya?
Terlalu sibuk mempersiapkan tanggal yang istimewa, 6 agustus kemarin merupakan hari Juventina di Indonesia. Maybe, it would be our history. Ya, dimana idola kami menghibur kami di tanah air tercinta. Hard to believe it. Tapi semua mimpi kita tercapai.
Saat menghadiri acara tersebut, aku mengenakan knitwear, a product from JStoreIndonesia. Sweater berbahan tipis, dengan perpaduan warna khas dari Juventus. Hitam, Abu-abu muda, dan Abu-abu tua. Simple but fabulous! Menurutku. Detail dari produk ini, terdapat logo Juventus di dada sebelah kiri, dan logo label JStoreIndonesia di pinggang sebelah kanan. Untuk info knitwear kamu bisa klik disini! Snapback produk Bianconeri Store juga sebagai ikon menunjukan bahwa aku adalah seorang Juventina. Kamu bisa menemukan snapback, klik disini! Perpaduan warna khas ini menambah ciri fashion olahraga. Sneakers menambah daya tarik agar terlihat lebih sporty serta line dress yang aku kenakan agar tetap terlihat feminin.
Saat menghadiri acara tersebut, aku mengenakan knitwear, a product from JStoreIndonesia. Sweater berbahan tipis, dengan perpaduan warna khas dari Juventus. Hitam, Abu-abu muda, dan Abu-abu tua. Simple but fabulous! Menurutku. Detail dari produk ini, terdapat logo Juventus di dada sebelah kiri, dan logo label JStoreIndonesia di pinggang sebelah kanan. Untuk info knitwear kamu bisa klik disini! Snapback produk Bianconeri Store juga sebagai ikon menunjukan bahwa aku adalah seorang Juventina. Kamu bisa menemukan snapback, klik disini! Perpaduan warna khas ini menambah ciri fashion olahraga. Sneakers menambah daya tarik agar terlihat lebih sporty serta line dress yang aku kenakan agar tetap terlihat feminin.
In English:
Who says exercise couldn't be a style?
Too busy to prepare special date, August 6th yesterday is Juventina's day in Indonesia. Maybe, it would be our history. Yes, where our idol we entertain our in beloved homeland. Hard to believe it. But all our dreams are achieved.
While attending the event, I wore knitwear, a product from JStoreIndonesia. A thin sweater, with a distinctive color combination of Juventus. Black, Grey young, and gray old. Simple but fabulous! I think. Details of these products, there is a Juventus's logo on the left chest and the logo label JStoreIndonesia at the right waist. For info this knitwear you can click here! Snapback from Bianconeri Store too as an icon showing that I was a Juventina. You can find the snapback, click here! This unique color combination of Juventus adds style of sporting fashion. Sneakers too adds to the appeal to make it look more sporty and the line dress that I wore to still look feminine.
While attending the event, I wore knitwear, a product from JStoreIndonesia. A thin sweater, with a distinctive color combination of Juventus. Black, Grey young, and gray old. Simple but fabulous! I think. Details of these products, there is a Juventus's logo on the left chest and the logo label JStoreIndonesia at the right waist. For info this knitwear you can click here! Snapback from Bianconeri Store too as an icon showing that I was a Juventina. You can find the snapback, click here! This unique color combination of Juventus adds style of sporting fashion. Sneakers too adds to the appeal to make it look more sporty and the line dress that I wore to still look feminine.
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