Warna pastel? Siapa yang tidak kenal. Warna-warna ini kini menjadi tren fesyen,warna feminin dan manis ini begitu menyatu di kalangan pecinta fesyen, tidak hanya di tanah air, tapi juga di negara luar. Warna pastel juga mendukung trens fesyen hijab saat ini, terutama pada saat bulan Ramadhan dimana para wanita muslimah berbondong-bondong untuk mempercantik diri di hari yang fitri dengan penampilan yang manis dan feminin.
Warna adalah spektrum tertentu yang terdapat di dalam suatu cahaya sempurna (berwarna putih). Dalam membuat karya seni rupa, seniman biasanya mencampur putih dengan warna lain untuk mendapat warna-warna yang disebut warna pastel. Jadi warna pastel (warna lembut) merupakan warna yang memiliki contrast lebih soft karena warna pembangunnya di kombinasikan dengan warna putih. Warna-warna pastel biasanya didominasi dengan warna pucat dan lembut. Jika dikaitkan dengan pengaruh dalam mood atau suasana hati seseorang, warna pastel akan membuat suasana tenang dan rileks. Warna ini dapat mengapresiasikan keindahan. Keindahan dengan warna-warna pucat, dapat memberikan kesan feminisme. Sedangkan untuk aplikasi warna pastel dapat digunakan oleh jenis kulit apapun. Warna pastel juga dapat mengindikasikan kesan kesederhanaan, jadi untuk lebih memaksimalkannya diharapkan tidak mengkombinasikannya dengan aksesoris yang berlebihan.
In English:
Pastel colors? Who doesn't know. These colors are now a fashion trend, the color is so feminine and sweet blend among fashion lovers, not only in the homeland, but also in foreign countries. Pastel colors also supports trens hijab fashion today, especially during the month of Ramadan in which Muslim women flocked to beautify themselves in a pure day with a sweet and feminine appearance.
The color is a certain spectrum contained in a perfect light (white). In creating works of art, artists usually mix white with other colors to get the colors are called pastel colors. So pastel colors (soft color) is a color that has a more soft because of the color contrast builders combined with white. Pastel colors are usually dominated by the color of pale and soft. If related to the influence of a person's mood, pastel colors will make the atmosphere calm and relaxed. This color can appreciate beauty. The beauty with pale colors, can give the impression of feminism. As for the application of pastel colors can be used by any skin type. Pastel color can also indicate the impression of simplicity, so to further maximize expected not combine with excessive accessories.
The color is a certain spectrum contained in a perfect light (white). In creating works of art, artists usually mix white with other colors to get the colors are called pastel colors. So pastel colors (soft color) is a color that has a more soft because of the color contrast builders combined with white. Pastel colors are usually dominated by the color of pale and soft. If related to the influence of a person's mood, pastel colors will make the atmosphere calm and relaxed. This color can appreciate beauty. The beauty with pale colors, can give the impression of feminism. As for the application of pastel colors can be used by any skin type. Pastel color can also indicate the impression of simplicity, so to further maximize expected not combine with excessive accessories.
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