Happy Weekend, fellas! Persiapkan dirimu untuk kembali beraktivitas
besok. Weekend memang hari yang ditunggu, melepas lelah dan beban setelah
beraktivitas. Bagi freelancer seperti aku, weekend juga bukan hanya hari dimana
untuk bermalas-malasan. Hari ini aku menyempatkan waktu yang aku punya untuk
kembali “blogging”. I miss this job so much! Walau gak ada yang bayar hasil
kerja aku, tapi aku senang melakukan hal ini. There’s no only blogging, the
others my hobby are designing, “take a selfie” hahahaha, atau berbagi outfit of the day
ku. Untuk melakukan hal ini, aku tidak “instan”, dikarenakan kecintaan ku
dengan dunia photography, aku harus mengedit bagian-bagian fotoku yang “spam”.
Anyway, i dunno why i prefers in love England. Bukan berarti aku
tidak mencintai negaraku sendiri, gurls! “Suka aja” itu sih pendapatku, tapi
dari ketertarikannya aku dengan negara tempat dimana boyband One Direction
berasal ini, aku sampai membeli jam tangan dan case handphone ku dengan gambar
bendera England. I think this cool! Tapi kecintaan aku dengan tanah air, tetap
nomer satu di hatiku!
In English:
Happy Weekend, fellas! Prepare yourself for the move back tomorrow. Weekend indeed awaited day, unwind and let go the load after the move. For a freelancer like me, the weekend is not just a day in which to laze around. Today I took the time I got to go back for "blogging". I miss this job so much! Although there is no one who paid me for this work, but I'm happy to do this. There is no only blogging, the others my hobby are designing, "take a selfie" hahahaha, or share my outfit of the day. To do this, I do not "instant", because I love the world of photography, I have to edit parts of a picture of me which "spam".
Anyway, i dunno why i prefers in love England. Not that I do not love my country, gurls! "just Love" it is my opinion anyway, but of interest in me by the state where this boy band One Direction came, I got to buy a watch and my cell phone case with England flag image. I think this cool! But I love the homeland, remains number one in my heart!
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