Terlalu banyak waktu luang sehingga membuatku bosan. Aku masih
menikmati liburan kuliah ku. Hampir 3 bulan lebih aku mendekam di rumah, serasa
berada di jeruji besi hahahaha... Hari ini aku menikmati quality time bersama
mama, lunch bareng, suatu hal yang sederhana tapi menyenangkan. Kali ini aku
mengenakan kaos baseball berwarna merah yang aku dapat dari @bawelituindah (di
twitter). Clothing line milik teman boyfriend ku. Belum sempat foto bersama si
pacar karena kita belum berjumpa, jadi aku melakukan ootd sendiri.
“Jatuh cinta!” kalimat yang bisa aku ungkapkan untuk ootd kali ini.
Suka sekali dengan kaos ini, mendukung dengan gaya favorit ku, keep sporty! Aku
suka style yang sederhana namun tetap terlihat chic dan kali ini aku ga mau
ribet, jadi aku hanya mengenakan hijab rawis bahan paris dengan motif floral
yang warnanya mendukung dengan kaos yang aku kenakan, aku suka hijab ini karena
gampang dibentuk, hijab rawis ini recommended buat kamu yang lama jika
mengenakan hijab.
In English:
Too much free time so it makes me bored. I still enjoy my college holidays. Almost 3 months i was languishing at home, seemed to be in bars hahahaha... Today i enjoy quality time with mama, lunch together, something simple but fun. This time i was wearing a red baseball shirt that I can be of @bawelituindah (on twitter). Clothing line owned by a friend of my boyfriend. Have not had time, for take some photo with boyfriend because we have not met, so i do ootd own.
"Fall in love!" Sentence that i can express to ootd this time. Love with this shirt, supporting my favorite style, keep sporty! I like the simple style but still look chic and this time, i don't want complicated, so i just wear the hijab paris rawis material with floral motifs whose color support with t-shirts that I wear, I love this hijab because of easy set up, the hijab is recommended rawis for you, which long if wearing hijab.
"Fall in love!" Sentence that i can express to ootd this time. Love with this shirt, supporting my favorite style, keep sporty! I like the simple style but still look chic and this time, i don't want complicated, so i just wear the hijab paris rawis material with floral motifs whose color support with t-shirts that I wear, I love this hijab because of easy set up, the hijab is recommended rawis for you, which long if wearing hijab.
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